Is your data working for you?
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Take The QuizNonprofit organizations are often asked to use quantitative data, or data involving numbers, to show their impact. And that makes complete sense. Numbers are a quick way to track all kinds of outputs, like program completion rates, revenue changes, or staff retention rates. Quantitative data is also instrumental in understanding trends and changes over time.
However, while numbers are a great way to see what is happening within an organization, they can’t always tell you why specific trends or problems are occurring. Also, quantitative data does not always explain how to fix emerging problems.
That’s where qualitative data comes in.
Qualitative data is information based on words, texts, and observations. Usually gathered through interviews, focus groups, videos, and even social media, it can help us understand how people experience the world: their working environment, a program, a policy, or a community. Qualitative analysis often involves finding common themes that help explain why a problem exists and what can be done to correct it. It can also help us understand the personal and social contexts influencing our quantitative results.
Like any good analyst, I must admit my bias here; I love qualitative work. I love listening to people’s stories and finding themes to solve problems. I also like qualitative work because, when done well, it can do certain things that quantitative can’t, such as:
So, despite all the great uses for qualitative data, why are organizations often asked for numbers instead?
There are some long-held assumptions that numerical data and quantitative methods are more objective and scientific than their qualitative counterparts. In quantitative data collection, like surveys, the researcher is seen as detached with no relationship to the study participants. The logic is that this detachment ensures the researcher does not introduce personal or other biases into the project. However, because qualitative work is interpersonal and can involve emotions and opinions, there is more risk that the analysis will be too subjective and, therefore, not “real” science.
These assumptions are nonsense, and here’s why: all social research involves people, and people have biases. It doesn’t matter if we are counting things or recounting stories. There is always the risk that our personal biases influence our choices regarding the questions we ask, who we include as a part of our project, and how we understand the data in front of us.
For instance, think of all of the healthcare research that has excluded women and people of color. These studies involve quantitative methods but have significant flaws because someone decided to exclude specific groups along the way. Or consider debates about how the Census should “count” particular populations in the U.S., such as Native Americans or LGBTQ+ people. Making misguided decisions about counting community members can unknowingly exclude people who would otherwise consider themselves part of those communities. As a result, researchers inadvertently end up with incomplete data on these communities’ experiences.
My point is that no research project is perfect, no matter your chosen method. But stories and observations are just as valid and scientific as any other data, and just as prone to potential biases. At Morgia Research Services, we specialize in designing and implementing qualitative projects that demonstrate impact and limit potential biases in the process. If you need a partner to help you through this process, click here to schedule your free consultation call today!
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